All the CDs listed here are available in most Christian music stores.
In case of any difficulty please contact us. |
Vaarum Iyaa - Vol. 1
This album consists of Songs written by Vedanayaga Sasthriyar 1774-1864.
Also includes songs written by M. Bagavathar Vedanayaga Sasthriyar 1885-1936. Songs are sung by Bagavathar Vedanayaga Sasthriyar, Clement Vedanayaga Sasthriyar and Sasthriyar Mrs. Sarah Martin.
Even today, most of the songs are sung in the main line churches (CSI, Methodist and Anglican churches) in Tamilnadu.
Clement. V. Sasthriyar and Bro. Richard Vijay have done music for the songs. |
Karunakaramae - Vol. 2
Similar set of songs as in vol 1. Includes Yeasuvaiye thuthisai and Aamen allelluyah which are very popular amoung the churches.
Clement. V. Sasthriyar and Bro. Richard Vijay have done music. |
Seeraesunathanukku - Vol. 3
Wonderful collection of songs. Sung by Clement. V. Sasthriyar, Bagavathar. V. Sasthriyar, Sudharshan Isaac Vedanayagam (son of C. V. Sasthriyar) and Karishma Abigail Vedanayagam (Daughter of C. V. Sasthriyar).
Music by Clement. V. Sasthriyar and J. F. Sathy Victor. |
Athiyum Andamum - Vol. 4
This is a family album. Sung by Bagavathar. V. Sasthriyar, Clement. V. Sasthriyar Mrs. Susila Vedanayagam (Wife of Bagavathar. V. Sasthriyar), Mrs. Monica Vedanayagam (Wife of Clement. V. Sasthriyar) and the Children of C. V. Sasthriyar.
Music arrangements are done by Clement. V. Sasthriyar and J. F. Sathy Victor. |
Yesuvaie Thuthi Sei - Vol. 5
A collection of songs done in a semi-classical style.
Includes "Mattai Thandiyum" - a beautiful compostion by Bagavathar. V. Sasthriyar.
Music by Clement Vedanayaga Sasthriyar |
Tuning With Clement - Vol. 1
Traditional and songs that are commonly sung in churches have been played on the violin as instrumentals by Clement. V. Sasthriyar. |
Tuning With Clement - Vol. 2
Similar style of tunes as the previous album made especially for quiet and silent listeners. |
Golden hits of Vedanayaga Sasthriyar - MP3s
It is a compilation of songs from the first 4 albums and a few violin instrumentals. |
Seedan - VCD
This is the First Video Album of Sastriars.
Includes "Songs and Messages" of Bagavathar. V. Sasthriyar.
Music by Clement Vedanayaga Sasthriyar |
Tuning With Clement - Vol. 3
Similar style of tunes as the previous two albums made especially for Melodious Medication.
Easu Engal Meiper
This music CD features traditional children songs rendered by Sudan & Karish.
Sudan & Karish belong to the 8th generation of Ven. Vedanayaga Sasthriyar (1774 - 1864).
Tuning With Clement - Turning back to Tradition
The Perfect Fourth is yet another set of comforting and inimitable instrumental collection of traditional songs.
Tuning With Clement - Fifth on Fire
Tuning with Clement series introduces the most awaited Fifth on Fire to the musical
racks. Plunge yourself in the luxury ocean of spiritual solace and get drenched
in the smoldering rhythms of the violin's melody. Let this divine music renew, rejuvenate
and refresh your soul.
Life and works of Venerable Vedanayaga Sastriar of Tanjore and his descendants
Through the immense grace of God and a three year untiring effort of Bagavathar
Vedanayaga Sastriar of Chennai, a chronological record on the life and works of
Venerable Vedanayaga Sastriar of Tanjore and his descendants has taken shape in
the form of a brilliant historical book. Read and Relisht it!.